從食品、通訊、教育等多元經營We provide service on food, communications, education, etc.
代理進口各國食用品,提供國人更多優質選擇Import foreign groceries to Taiwan to offer many more great choices on meal.
為整合、橋接、轉發國際通訊最專業、創新的領導服務供應商Skybridge communication limited hopes to become the most professional and innovative company in international communication.
由台灣、日本及菲律賓宿霧,共同出資成立的線上一對一英文學校A language school funded and established by Co-founders from Taiwan, Japan and University of the Visayas of Cebu, Philippine.
Import dried mango chips from Philippines’ biggest enterprise. Coated with crispy chocolate is a mouthful flavor of sweet sour savor.
利合博電訊成立於西元 2008 年,擁有台灣全區第二類電信執照。利合博電訊透過Android Platform,整合「Telecom」、「 「Internet」、「Communications」、「Media」、 「Entertainment」,提供客戶無限寬廣優質與實用的新電信媒體服務。
Established in 2008, and is holding the type II telecommunications license in telecommunications in Taiwan region. Skybridge communication limited integrated Telecom, Internet, Communications, Media, and Entertainment into android BOX to provide high-quality and practical new telecommunications media services for corporate.
Finding the balance between the best quality and affordable price to offer satisfying 3C products.
Adnroid Box:讓客廳成為家庭娛樂多媒體中心。提供聽音樂、看影片、分享照片、瀏覽網頁等功能。
Adnroid Box: A device turns your living room into a multimedia home entertainment center with functions such as music player, media player, photo-sharing, and internet browsing.
Philippines online mobile TV prepaid service.
線上英文平台:結合菲律賓宿霧University of the Visayas 設立專業的教室中心,並於2011年通過ISO 9001專業證認,提供線上英文一對一教學服務,給予客戶 Anytime、Anywhere、Any device 365天24小時皆可使用網路上課,目前在日本、韓國、台灣、大陸已經有1萬個學生以及超過100老師。
We developed a platform for online English learning (English Bell) with University of the Visayas in Cebu, we established a professional teaching center and was certificated by ISO 9001 in 2011, providing online one on one English learning experience for students at anytime, anywhere, with any device. More than 10,000 students from Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and mainland China can learn English online via Skype with over 100 teachers in our teaching center.
鑑於未來數位科技、寬頻網路與行動通訊將成為人類生活的三大主軸,2008 年成立的利合博電訊,結合了國內通訊界一流的專業人才,以創新科技的電信產品、優質的網路通訊,提供企業及個人高效率的通信方式與優惠費率,期能更為降低企業營運成本,相對提昇國際競爭力。
In view of the future that digital technology, broadband Internet and mobile communications will be three main themes of human life. In 2008, we established Skybridge communication limited to combine our very best professionals in the communications sector with innovated telecom and technology product, and high-quality online communications service in providing corporate and individual high efficiency of communication with preferential rates, hoping to reduce operating costs, and improve our customers’ international competitiveness.
地址:104 台北市中山區民權東路三段35號3樓
Adress:3F., No.35, Sec. 3, Minquan E. Rd., Zhongshan Dist,Taipei City 104,Taiwan (R.O.C.)
電話/Office:+886 2 2500-0389
傳真/Fax:+886 2 2503-4157
上班時間/Office Hours:週一至週五/Mon to Fri:09:00 ~ 18:00